Could you become an EDAM Donor
The membership section of the website is open only to EDAM members and donors. If you currently have access to the members section of the website, but are not an EDAM member, then you can either sign up as an EDAM member now, or become an EDAM donor.
To become an EDAM donor, all you have to do is make a payment with the details below and drop us a note at membership@edam.org.uk to tell us who you are.
ONLY £10
EDAM is a registered Scottish Charity SC023692, with an aim of providing access to safetly training for motorcyclists in and around Edinburgh.
Paying as a donor
You can make a donation directly into the EDAM bank account.
Type of account: It's a business account
Name of account: Edinburgh & District Advanced Motorcyclists
Amount: £10.00 - This is a donation, you can donate any amount you fell appropriate
Sort code: 30-71-84
Account Number: 22055460
Your reference: DONOR - Your name